Review Process
Each paper will be subject to peer-review procedure, and is considered on the basis of their significance, novelty and usefulness to the Journals readership.
AJEC Journals are peer-reviewed international scholarly journals by 6 reviewers: 1 managing editor (pre-screening); 2 International Reviewers (general review); 3 recommended reviewers (general review) and every review process is controlled strictly according to the journal’s guideline. The review processes are processed with 5 steps as illustrated by the following flow chart.
After the paper submission, Managing Editor reviews submitted papers first (1st Review, 3-5 working days).
General review (2nd Review, 2-6 weeks) processes are accomplished by International Reviewers, Recommended Reviewers.
If the paper is accepted with changes then author(s) will be requested to respond with changes suggested by the reviewers. The Managing Editor reviews the revised manuscript after the changes have been made by the author(s). Once the Managing Editor is satisfied with the final manuscript, the accepted papers will be published after the final decision of Editor-in-Chief and accepted by Managing Editor (3rd & 4th Review, 1-2 weeks).
For each accepted paper, authors should be requested by the managing editor to revise the text and minor changes as appropriate, the revised version and copyrights should be submitted within 1 month.
Full Paper Submission:
20th January
Acceptance Notification:
27th January
Final Paper Submission:
31st January
Publication on:
5th February
Due to COVID-19 Pandemic Situation Deadlines are Extended !!!