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Privacy Policy

“American Journal of Electronics & Communication” (AJEC) policy for authorship and contributorship strictly follows the guidelines as mentioned by COPE(Committee on Publication Ethics) and CSE (Council of Science Editors).

The aim of this policy is to give proper credit to the authors and contributors of the articles published in AJEC. The policy also creates an understanding among the authors and the contributors their role in taking responsibility and being accountable for the article published. The order of authors in the article should be a collective decision of all the authors. Any disagreement regarding this should be resolved among the authors should be resolved among the authors before submitting the article for publication.

The following criteria should be followed in order to attain authorship in an article published in AJEC:

  1. Each author of the article is expected to do any of the following contribution towards the article:
  2. Design or contribute towards the concept of the work.
  3. Data acquisition, analysis or interpretation.
  4. Drafted or revised the work.
  5. Each and every author of the article should agree and approve the submitted version of the article to be the final version and no further modification is required.
  6. Each and every author should agree to ensure accuracy or integrity in all aspects of the work is properly investigated and resolved.
  7. Authorship should not include Guest Authors, Honorary Authors, Ghost Authors, Authorship for Sale, Anonymous Authors or Group Authors in the articles published in AJEC.

The following contributors can be included in the acknowledgement but cannot be included as authors:

  1. Primarily assisted the research by providing advice
  2. Providing research space
  3. Providing financial support
  4. Providing reagents/study materials/research materials
  5. Performing isolated analysis


Complaints and healthy criticism are always welcome as it gives an opportunity to improve the quality of the journal. We aim to respond the complaints to be responded quickly, courteously and constructively. In case of any queries, concerns or complaints regarding technical authentication, clarity, completeness, quality or correctness of any article published in AJEC the person should mail the following details addressing to the editor-in-chief at [email protected]

  • The title, authors and volume & issue number in which the article is published
  • Details and role of the reporter (i.e. author, reader, others)
  • A brief description of the technical concern
  • Links or documents to support the claims made by the reporter

Based on the mail received, the editor-in-chief will initiate an investigation and report will be produced within 60 days stating the outcome of the investigation. The result of the investigation may be

  • no change
  • The authors may be asked to make the necessary changes and update the paper
  • Retraction of the paper and issuing a notice in the next issue of the journal. Retraction decisions will be made based on COPE Retraction Guidelines.


If the reporter is not satisfied with the decision given by the editor-in-chief then they can appeal for a reinvestigation. Once the appeal is received, the editor-in-chief will form an Appeal Committee consisting of the editor-in-chief (as Chair) and four editorial board members. The Appeal Committee will review the appeal and a report will be published within 60 days based on a majority vote.

A conflict of interest or competing interest means when a person or organization is involved with multiple entities of similar interest. AJEC deals with such situations in following ways:

  • For authors: We will not reject papers as authors have a competing interest as they are almost inevitable but it’s the duty of the authors to declare their potential conflict of interest in the published article.
  • For reviewers: The reviewers should report their conflict of interest to the editor-in-chief via email before accepting a review assignment.
  • For editors: The members of the editorial board should report to the editor-in-chief about their involvement with any other journal with similar aims and scope. The resolution to such situation will be at the discretion of the editor-in-chief.

If any undisclosed conflict of interest is received via complaints and appeals, the final decision will be taken by the editor-in-chief.

AJEC encourages data sharing as it enables reuse, reduces research waste and promotes collaboration. Data sharing also gives the benefit of getting your paper accepted for publication easily as it creates a strong support to the article. We strongly encourage it but it is not mandatory. However, data sharing is at the sole discretion of the editor when required for the transparency of a particular article.

Data sharing can be done either by publishing the data in a publicly available repository and providing the link or by submitting an auxiliary file while submitting your article for publication.

According to the guidelines mentioned by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), ethical oversight should include but is not limited to the following points:

  • Consent to publication.
  • Publication on vulnerable populations.
  • Ethical conduct of research using animals.
  • Ethical conduct of research using human subjects.
  • Handling confidential data.
  • Ethical business/marketing practices.

AJEC has well experienced peer reviewers and editors who perform a regular routine checks for presence of the following publication misconduct:

  • Plagiarism
  • Fabrication of data and results
  • Citation manipulation (for more details see COPE guideline)
  • Peer review manipulation (for more details see COPE statement)
  • Authorship misconduct

AJEC doesn’t accept any advertisements as this journal mainly focuses in promoting research in the field of science and engineering. There is no business or marketing agenda of this journal.

This journal solely accepts research articles for publication on the basis of peer references and call for papers mailed to researchers round the globe.