‘Society for Makers, Artists, Researchers and Technologists (SMART)’ is an American publishing house committed to publish high quality research articles which can bring value and momentum to current research in the domain of Electronics and Communication Technology and allied fields. As a part of this, it has started an international journal titled “American Journal of Electronics & Communication”. “American Journal of Electronics & Communication” (AJEC) is an open access, indexed, multidisciplinary peer reviewed journal that provides a space for academicians and researchers all over the globe, to publish their research articles related to current scopes and developments in Electronics and Communication Technology like microwave, semiconductor devices, VLSI, signal processing, communication, Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence etc. The main objective of AJEC is to cultivate innovative ideas among young minds and thus provide a proper guidance to the new frontiers and emerging trends in Electronics & Communication Engineering. The American Journal of Electronics & Communication makes a maximum effort to publish submitted papers as quickly as possible. Primary reviews would be completed within two months. The authors are then requested to make necessary changes/improvements to their manuscripts within a span of two-three weeks. The whole review process fully respects standard Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.
Full Paper Submission:
20th January
Acceptance Notification:
27th January
Final Paper Submission:
31st January
Publication on:
5th February
Due to COVID-19 Pandemic Situation Deadlines are Extended !!!